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Carmen's Kiss (2010)

Carmen's Kiss (2010)

Hugo SpeerVivienne HarveyJon-Paul GatesBruce Payne
David Fairman


Carmen's Kiss (2010) is a English movie. David Fairman has directed this movie. Hugo Speer,Vivienne Harvey,Jon-Paul Gates,Bruce Payne are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2010. Carmen's Kiss (2010) is considered one of the best Drama,Romance,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

A sex-trafficked girl, now turned business woman, seeks revenge. Can she outwit her kidnappers with the help of Joe, her ex cop lover?

Carmen's Kiss (2010) Reviews

  • A little convoluted but overall...good


    This movie is one that starts slow, continues slow but builds like a kettle that's been put on to boil. There's a few plot holes that could easily have been plugged with another 5 or 10 minutes of screen time but if you ignore them and stick with the primary focus of the movie, you can get over them easily. This movie was a little gentler in dealing with a very large problem, the trafficking of women for sex and money. A much grittier and more compelling tale would be the movie "The Whistleblower" which details the practise by telling the true story of the involvement of the U.N and large global corporations. All in all, give this movie a watch because it does an excellent job of showing a little of the underworld that exists in London. No spoilers this time, just watch and ...I won't say enjoy because it will leave you thinking at the end, so, just experience.

  • "Carmen's Kiss",


    This was screened on BBC and SKY TV to celebrate International Women's day 8,10, March 2012. It exposes sex trafficking in the Capital's club land. This is a powerful film of a Romanian girl's contempt and vengeance for her captors. A sneaky view of organised crime and how innocence surpasses grime.. David Fairman, a British Director worthy of Fellini comes into his Cult reputation status. He is amazing, so are all of the actors playing. A brilliant feature not to be missed, cleverly co-written by Barbara Gorna and David Fairman who both play cameo roles in this classic masterpiece filmed in London. "Carmen's Kiss", is a must see feature, thought provoking, tantalising.

  • Thoughtful But Disappointing Movie


    'Carmen's Kiss' attempts to grasp the bigger picture problem of sex trafficking, it's a decent enough attempt but just falls short of being interesting enough to work as a whole piece. Joe played by Hugo Spear is an ex cop desperately in love with Carmen. Obsessionally in love, he lost his job because of her, descending down a spiralling staircase into utter despondency. The plot weaves slowly and thoughtfully but all too often the mix becomes uninteresting and you are left waiting for something to happen. It's not degradingly bad, the actors go through the motions with ease laced with some nice snapshots of a seedier side of London underworld but you are left thinking it could have been so much better. The slow pace becomes off putting at times. Nice to see such a serious problem tackled on the big screen but was ultimately disappointed with the outcome.


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