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K (2002)

K (2002)

Oz PhillipsShoja AzariShirin NeshatMohammad Ghaffari
Shoja Azari


K (2002) is a English movie. Shoja Azari has directed this movie. Oz Phillips,Shoja Azari,Shirin Neshat,Mohammad Ghaffari are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2002. K (2002) is considered one of the best Drama,Fantasy movie in India and around the world.

Three stories. We see, but little is explained. In "The Married Couple," a salesman pays a call on an old customer who is with his wife in the upstairs bedroom of their ill adult son. Another salesman may beat him to the punch, but not before disorienting changes. A maid scrubs the floor. "In the Penal Colony": a man arrives at a penal colony where an officer demonstrates a bizarre apparatus, one that punches a message into the skin of a prisoner strapped beneath it. Who will be punished? In "Fratricide," a man is murdered at night by someone he knows well. A woman grieves.


K (2002) Reviews

  • Azarri accuratly captures Kafka's bizarre sense of humor.


    I saw the film at a screening at Columbia University last year as well as at the Venice Film Festival. The film captures the bizarre sense of humor that pervades Kafka's work. Azari has a wonderful vision of this world. It's a film that really made me think of modern man's continuing dilema with himself and the world and morals he has created. I found the acting overall to be very good. The over the top quality of Ghafarri works well with Phillip's mesmerizing performance on screen.

  • This film is very timely.


    I also saw the film at the festival last year and remember how well done the cinematography was done. Especially in "In The Penal Colony" when we see the general at so many interesting angles. This is a thinking person's film. "The Fratricide" reminded me of the current east west confrontation evolving all over the world, with brother killing brother. In this way, this film is very timely and the writing of Kafka lives on. It made me think.


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