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Love Locks (2017)

Love Locks (2017)

Rebecca RomijnJerry O'ConnellBruce DavisonDavid Julian Hirsh
Martin Wood


Love Locks (2017) is a English,French movie. Martin Wood has directed this movie. Rebecca Romijn,Jerry O'Connell,Bruce Davison,David Julian Hirsh are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Love Locks (2017) is considered one of the best Romance movie in India and around the world.

Lindsey Wilson, who owns/operates a successful local New York art magazine, is offered a few propositions by Trent Greer, an international publisher: he would like to buy her magazine to take it to a larger market, she who would retain the role as consultant and who would be allowed to retain her key staff; and he would like to date her. Lindsey's assistant Maggie believes she would be crazy not to accept the date as she considers Trent the most handsome man on the face of the Earth. Lindsey will have time to mull both proposals over as she is taking a week long trip to Paris with her eighteen year old daughter Alexa Wilson, who is following in her mother's footsteps in taking a semester in the art program at the Sorbonne under who was Lindsey's mentor when she was a student there, Hugo Blanchet. Lindsey, who has not been to Paris in twenty years since she was a student, hopes that Alexa will not follow in another of her Paris footsteps, namely falling in love while she's there. ...


Love Locks (2017) Reviews

  • Beautifully filmed and charming story


    Beautiful photography and on location filming in Paris make this Hallmark romance above average and quite charming. A divorced mother played by a still attractive Rebecca Romijn and her daughter - refreshingly not a brat, go to Paris. There they find romance. Jerry O'Connell is her ex boyfriend who owns a pretty hotel there. The theme is the love locks people put on bridges. The cast is good and surprisingly a real life husband and wife can act in a romance without being irritating. The only fault is Bruce Davison who isn't a convincing French artist. There are some Hallmark movies that are too perky and cute or the cast is a bit second rate. This isn't one of them. Worth a watch.

  • ..and yes.. the city in real life is as magnificent as in films.. better !!


    ..another one in a very long line of typical Hallmark romance movies.. nothing more or less.. ..the real star of this film is Paris.. a city that everyone should at least visit once in their lifetime.. ..all the actors are pleasant enough, but there's little to stretch their abilities.. the script is way beyond perfunctory.. know exactly what's going to happen before it happens. and there are absolutely no surprises.. there a recommend in there somewhere.. sure.. watch it for Paris

  • So-so Remake


    Disappointed--was hoping for an original story but instead saw a not as good remake of Romance on the Orient Express (Cheryl Ladd starred in that one). The original had more genuine performances and you could feel the love and loss of the main characters. There was a maturity and depth to that version that is sorely lacking here. Except for the genuine Paris locations this film seems on par with the usual Hallmark "romance" of the week Surprised there is no mention that this movie is a remake. Almost feel like it is trying to be passed off as original but even the daughter's name is the same. Generally expect more from Hallmark Hall of Fame movies.

  • Simply Magnificent


    This movie was simply magnificent! It flowed well and had excellent panoramas of Paris. The chemistry between the couple was strong. The subplot fit in nicely, too.

  • Can love be rekindled in Paris 20 years later?


    My wife and I watched this movie at home on DVD from our public library. It is a thoroughly enjoyable romantic movie, in fact with three different romances, young, middle age, and old folks. It is a Hallmark movie, no drugs, no sex, no bad language, just wholesome characters looking for meaningful relationships. I became a Rebecca Romijn fan when I saw the original X-Men (2000) movie, she was Mystique, the character in the blue body paint. Here she is Lindsey Wilson, formerly a budding artist trained in Paris but now 20 years later owner of a successful art magazine. Of course Jerry O'Connell has been a favorite since his days as one of the young boys in "Stand By Me". Here he is Jack Burrow, an American who stayed in Paris and now is owner and operator of a hotel. As the movie begins we see Lindsey and Jack 20 years earlier, young lovers in Paris, and there is an incident on the bridge where lovers place their locks, and that is the reference in the title "Love Locks." Then 20 years later Lindsey has an occasion to return to Paris, her teen daughter is starting art school, and the old friend arranges that they stay at Jack's hotel. So that is where the movie starts going, to see if Lindsey and Jack can see that their lives would be better with each other. Meanwhile Lindsey's daughter falls for a young Frenchman who is studying mathematics, and Lindsey's old art teacher falls for a woman who spends lots of time at Jack's hotel. The several stories meld together well and all reach satisfying conclusions in just over 90 minutes. And of course beautiful Paris. We enjoyed this movie very much.


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