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Major! (2015)

Major! (2015)

Annalise Ophelian


Major! (2015) is a English movie. Annalise Ophelian has directed this movie. are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2015. Major! (2015) is considered one of the best Documentary,Biography movie in India and around the world.

MAJOR! is a documentary film exploring the life and campaigns of Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, a formerly incarcerated Black transgender elder and activist who has been fighting for the rights of trans women of color for over 40 years. Miss Major is a veteran of the Stonewall Rebellion and a survivor of Attica State Prison, a former sex worker, an elder, and a community leader and human rights activist. She is simply "Mama" to many in her community. Miss Major's personal story and activism for transgender civil rights intersects LGBT struggles for justice and equality from the 1960s to today. At the center of her activism is her fierce advocacy for her girls, trans women of color who have survived police brutality and incarceration in men's jails and prisons. MAJOR! is more than just a biographical documentary: It's an investigation into critical issues of how the Prison Industrial Complex represents a wide-spread and systematic civil rights violation, as well as a historical portrait of ...


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