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One and Two (2015)

One and Two (2015)

Kiernan ShipkaTimothée ChalametElizabeth ReaserGrant Bowler
Andrew Droz Palermo


One and Two (2015) is a English movie. Andrew Droz Palermo has directed this movie. Kiernan Shipka,Timothée Chalamet,Elizabeth Reaser,Grant Bowler are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2015. One and Two (2015) is considered one of the best Drama,Fantasy,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Zac and Eva live with their parents in isolated-mysterious farmhouse. The family lives' in the 1800s manner and doing the old-fashioned chores. When their mom becomes seriously ill, the sibling begins to discover family dark secrets and supernatural abilities to teleport themselves, which threaten a family to splintered. One and Two is the story about the bond and love between the siblings.


Same Director

One and Two (2015) Reviews

  • Adam and Eva before being expel from Eden


    "One & Two" is a new interpretation of how Eva is tempted to "see" and to "feel" what is outside Eden. She really craves to know the real world (to taste good and evil). When we are born in this 3D world we are put in a fleshy body in order to know pleasure and pain by our five senses. The Father knows that if Adam and Eva run away they will face the cruelties of the outside world. That's why he is warning them not to cross the barrier. The Mother however is willing to give them a chance. In this film the omnipotent God the Creator is represented in his dualistic form - the Father and his female consort the Divine Mother(Sofia, Prakriti)- something that is omitted in the Bible, but well explained in the Gnostic scriptures and in the Vedic texts. In the beginning Elochim (plural)created the human being as two united parts - so to say in its precelestial state every human being (man or woman)is an ideal creature made of both male and female forces/energies/substances. When we descend in fleshy body from Heaven to our 3D world a dichotomy takes place - from One we became Two. We are no longer the ideal precelestial creature. We are separated and it causes us pain and suffering. Please see for reference the Gospel of Thomas (11): "When you were one, you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?" In "One & Two" the director traces the painful process of postcelestial separation, the rage of the Father and the rejection of the Father's will. In the end of the movie Adam and Eva tried to destroy the heaven they came from. Did they succeed to burn out all the ways to return there or there is still a small possibility for the human being to recreate his/her original state?

  • Good enough, especially if you have nothing else to see..


    It was a promising premise for a 'supernatural' movie, with strong development for the teenage characters. Revelation of mysterious circumstances began to unfold, but unfortunately stop cold in giving rewarding and satisfying conclusions. The producers/director have done a remarkable job in raising expectations and heightening the audience curiosity, but failed miserably to bring closure to the very same question. In the end, the movie seems to simply took a snapshot of events that occur over a period of, say 1 week, and took the audience through it, and left without a shred of answers. If the purpose is to do just that, then, they have achieved it greatly.

  • Not Yi Yi (Edward Yang)


    So it's okay. It's fine. It's a movie that was made, but not made well. There's no passion, no story, no style, nothing. It's a movie that proves this director can put a movie together, outside of Rich Hill. Autumn Durald does a great job with the cinematography, despite there clearly being more budgetary constraints than Palo Alto, most notably the oval bokeh and the obvious digital grain, from the upped-ISO. The movie is bearable, it's watchable, but not interesting. The dialogue, however, is laughable, and the Tree of Life internal monologues are baffling. This movie is practically a series of events, albeit beautiful to look at and competently put together, with no real satisfying conclusion nor moral. This movie doesn't deserve the critical panning it has from RottenTomatoes, it's one of the better movies of the year, which I guess isn't saying much. Kiernan Shipka, and everyone really, look bored and brooding. They have nothing to work with, and when they do, it's executed laughably and obnoxiously. I have no doubt Shipka has acting chops, but this doesn't prove it, she mopes around with a vaguely confused face the whole movie. Timothee Chalamet is the best actor in the movie, and he barely has anything to show, possibly because no one has any characterization besides "quiet, distant, scared." I hope he stops being type-casted as Tom Cooper, because even when he's given the opportunity to act in these movies, it's quickly cut short (in this, his screaming and clawing are drowned out by a glaring score, muting any actual skill required to show emotion or character struggle). Hopefully Jeff Nichols' Midnight Special shows this movie up, I'm pretty disappointed. (If at any point you think I'm blindly "hating" on this movie, the very fact that I was even looking forward to a movie that wasn't advertised or talked about shows my initial interest.)

  • Weird, very weird


    Probably One And Two would be consigned to obscurity save for the fact that one of the four principal cast member Timothee Chalamet has gone on to stardom in the movie big leagues. Chalamet and Kiernan Shipka play a brother and sister who live on a remote farm and have some unusual abilities, abilities inherited from their mother Elizabeth Reaser who is subject to seizures and not long for the world. His own kids scare the pants off their father Grant Bowler who punishes them every time they use their powers to transport themselves. The idea was clearly taken from the British science fiction series The Tomorrow People where kids could just transport themselves anywhere on a whim. An interesting concept but the film moves so slowly it becomes unbearably dull. In the end I'm not sure what the point was.

  • A beautiful but a bit sad story


    This is a slow but very beautiful movie. If you only are in to action then this is nothing for you. But if you like movies that will challenge and dare your mind and if you not are afraid of something more deep than a couple of men punching each other, then this is a film for you. The film will get you in a state of mind that will begin to think, to wonder. Will this be possible? Can a father be like that? Loving and still so demanding and ... cruel. And then you realize that it's the way people, mostly men, dictates their women and children to live exactly as they want them to do. It also shows how hard it is to break free from a family bond. Hard even if you don't want to be a part of it, if you do want to go. You can't go, there is too much holding you back. Fear, love, obedience even respect holds you back from leaving although you don't want to be there. You know what you have but you don't know what you will get. For me the film was not about their ability to "jump". It was about the fear of something new, something you don't understand, the will to have everything as it always have been. Their ability was just the unknown in the world. The film for me was also about breaking free and leaving old habits behind, leaving (killing) the tyranny, the dictatorship and seeking the freedom. I liked the film and I will remember it a long time - maybe see it again in a month or two.


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