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Rasputin (2011)

Rasputin (2011)

Fanny Ardant Gérard Depardieu Vladimir Mashkov
Safy Nebbou


Rasputin (2011) is a Russian movie. Safy Nebbou has directed this movie. Fanny Ardant, Gérard Depardieu, Vladimir Mashkov are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2011. Rasputin (2011) is considered one of the best Biography,Drama,History movie in India and around the world.

The life of Rasputin and his friendship and influence on the Tsar and Tsarina.

Rasputin (2011) Reviews

  • uninspired sketch


    the great problem is the huge ambition to create a spectacular fresco using a good cast only at level of names. because the story seems unclear, Depardieu fight with a character who has not roots, the aspects of Imperial family's life are presented in superficial manner, all seems be a puzzle with wrong pieces' positions. Depardieu could be a decent Rasputin. but not with the script of that film. Fanny Ardant looking for the most inspired manner to recreate Empress Alexandra 's traits or Mashkov as sketch of Nicholas II are not in the most comfortable position. result - all seems be an improvisation. sketch for use Depardieu in one of his desired roles. after the end of film, only the regrets for the poor actors. and for the poor Rasputin.

  • good intentions


    it is far to be remarkable and far to be bad. it represents only an introduction, almost decent, to subject. not real convincing but interesting for cast. a tribute for Russia from Depardieu. and its basic unlucky is, maybe, the existence of few real good films about Rasputin, many books and documentaries. so, it could be only expression of good intentions. nothing more. and it is not enough. the bad detail is the absence of courage for director who ignores many opportunities to do an interesting story. than, the manner to create the image of hero by Depardieu who use, in comfortable way, the West clichés about subject. short, a lot pieces without links. images , a not inspired script about a delicate theme , about a dark hero who remains, in this case, unfortunately, only a shadow.


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