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The Blood & the Rose (2013)

The Blood & the Rose (2013)

Karyme LozanoEduardo Verástegui
Tim Watkins


The Blood & the Rose (2013) is a English,Spanish movie. Tim Watkins has directed this movie. Karyme Lozano,Eduardo Verástegui are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2013. The Blood & the Rose (2013) is considered one of the best Documentary movie in India and around the world.

The Blood and the Rose is the story of damnation and salvation, and of a divine miracle of unity and devotion that brought hope and transformed a continent. The Virgin of Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego. He was an ordinary man who was an extraordinary messenger of faith. A people were converted and our world was changed. This eternal struggle is the battle for our souls.


The Blood & the Rose (2013) Reviews

  • Amazing


    I saw this movie with my 13 year old daughter, and we both were blown away. It is told very beautifully and accurately, plus has more detail about the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe than I've seen in all other sources combined. The providence of God as holding all of history in His good hands is stunning. The gentleness and love of Our Lady is heart-melting. The hardness of the hearts of man as seen in the backwards and upside down theology of the Aztecs which led to war and human sacrifice is clear (and is dangerously being repeated in our modern times). God's mercy and grace alone are our only hope, but He gives it gladly through humble souls, the humblest of which is Our Blessed Mother and the devout St. Juan Diego. I strongly recommend this incredible and life-changing movie!


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