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The Indian in the Cupboard (1995)

Hal ScardinoLitefootLindsay CrouseRichard Jenkins
Frank Oz


The Indian in the Cupboard (1995) is a English movie. Frank Oz has directed this movie. Hal Scardino,Litefoot,Lindsay Crouse,Richard Jenkins are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1995. The Indian in the Cupboard (1995) is considered one of the best Drama,Family,Fantasy movie in India and around the world.

Omri (Hal Scardino), a young boy growing up in Brooklyn, receives an odd variety of presents for his birthday: a wooden cabinet from his older brother, a set of antique keys from his mother Jane (Linsday Crouse), and a tiny plastic model of an Indian from his best friend Patrick (Rishi Bhat). Putting them all together, Omri locks the Indian inside the cabinet, only to be awoken by a strange sound in the middle of the night. Omri opens the cabinet to discover that the tiny Indian has come to life; it seems that he's called Little Bear (Litefoot), and he claims to have learned English from settlers in 1761. Omri hides this remarkable discovery from his mother but shares it with Patrick; as an experiment, Patrick locks a toy cowboy into the cupboard, and soon Little Bear has a companion, Boone (David Keith), though predictably, the cowboy and the Indian don't get along well at first. Omri comes to the realizations that his living and breathing playthings are also people with lives of ...

The Indian in the Cupboard (1995) Reviews

  • Great Movie For Kids


    Forget reviews saying this is not as good as the book. No films are are a good as the book! Watch this movie with an 8 year old child and you will see how good the film is. Thank you Frank Oz for a wonderful film. The acting from the young children is above average and the tearful ending just right for a young audience. Interesting to note Steve Coogan plays a miniature model come to life - something he repeats later in his career in A Night At The Museum. Typecasting? The effects are also very good. Remember this is 1995 when CGI was in it's infancy - but the miniaturisation of the cast is flawless.

  • 'Omri" One Of The Most Likable Kids Ever On Film


    I'm a sucker for nice kids, not those snotty ones seen so often in films from the '60s to the present. In here is a wonderful neat-looking little kid, Hal Sardino, who is unusual in that this is the only movie he ever starred in. To his credit, Scardino went on to live a "normal" life after this film, eventually going to college as a regular student like you and me with no celebrity status. The film is anything but "normal," a fantasy about a young boy who receives a cupboard that transforms little toy figurines - in this case, an Indian and then a cowboy. - into miniature real-life people. Each time he opens or closes the box with the figures in them, they change to either real or back to plastic. Scardino, who plays Omri," is fun to watch, if for no other reason than the great expressions on his face. He has to be one of the most likable children I've ever seen on film. Meanwhile, his best friend "Patrick" is the only villain, so to speak, only because he's a bit "defiant," as his mother labels him and he almost spoils everything for "Omri." It's a solid family film that is fun for both the parents and kids to watch at the same time. Both will get a lot of entertainment out of it. With just a bit of profanity early on and a bit of obvious political correctness, there is nothing in here which should offend viewers. Critics didn't seem to care for it, so you know it truly was a nice, wholesome film....and fun to watch.

  • A warm, excellent family film


    Why this movie doesn't have an average of around 9 eludes me. It is a wondeful film. So well acted and with a very engaging story. This is a great film for the whole family. You'll love it. The lead actor - Hal Scardino - is such a natural. He's completely believable, as is his friend. The Indian is also wonderfully brought to life. How they made the special effects work so well back in 1995 (well... that was a while back for film special effects anyway...) I don't know. I wish we could see more warm hearted films like this today.

  • A very moving, lovely tale of a young boy growing up


    I must first say I was shocked to see that the average rating given this film was below 6 (when I checked it in Jan of '05). While I gave it a 10, I fully expected at least a mid 7 from the IMDb audience. It is a wonderful film that I love to show to my children. What's not to like? It has a unique plot - that of an Indian coming to life in a young boy's cupboard, and wonderful acting and music. Through the boy's experiences with the Indian (wonderfully played by Litefoot) he comes to a new level of maturity. Hal Scardino's acting is natural and totally believable. If you are tired of the cut-out child actors that Hollywood gives us too often, then you'll love Hal. What a fabulously underplayed performance. The ending always makes me and my wife cry. There are so few really good films for children. I hate to suffer through other films I bought for the kids (like "Inspector Gadget" - a truly awful film) and I wish that there were more films like this one. This is a wonderful film and I heartily recommend it.

  • Lovely Movie

    Big Movie Fan2002-06-25

    1995 was certainly a great year for fantasy films and The Indian In The Cupboard was one of the many great movies of that year. A little boy puts a toy Indian in the cupboard and it comes to life. They gradually become good friends throughout the film and the young boy also puts some of his other toys into the cupboard as well. The acting is great throughout and it's a nice little story as well. The great thing about films like this is that they are pure fantasy and they feature the type of things that most young kids dream about. What young child wouldn't like to bring some of their toys to life? It may never happen but it's great to be able to watch a movie where it does happen. All in all, a lovely movie for the kids.

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