Surgical Technique Animation - 2.5 ADAPTIVE II TriLock Distal Radius Plate with the 1.5 Hook Plate
Arthrex® Distal Radius Plate Surgical Technique
Acu-Loc® 2 Volar Distal Radius Plate Surgical Technique Overview Animation
Treatment of a distal radius fracture with a dorsal spanning plate
Broken Wrist Sometimes Just Need a Plate and Few Screws #shorts
Distal Radius Open Reduction and Internal Fixation
Volar Carpal Translation Maneuver Using the Medartis Distal Radius Plate
Fixation of distal radius fractures Top 10 tips and tricks by Dr Jorge Orbay
Dorsal Approach and Plating of a Distal Radius Fracture
Medartis Symposium @FESSH-ON(line) - The evolution of spanning plate technique for DR fractures
Dorsal Approach 7 ORIF of Distal Radius Fracture : Dr Abhijeet L Wahegaonkar