Chris Herren on Battling Drug Addiction as an NBA Player, ESPN's "Unguarded" (Full Interview)
UNGUARDED - Fresno State vs. UMass rematch - November 22, 1997
Chris Herren Speaking At Event
Against All Hope: Chris Herren on Addiction, Sobriety & Redemption | Rich Roll Podcast
JMS Chris Herren Presentation
The Tragic Story of Chris Herren
Unguarded 1
The NBA's Heroin Junkie
This NBA Player Was Addicted To Drugs Since He Was 18 | Chris Herren
The Game Has Changed: Chris Herren at TEDxUMassAmherst
Unguarded ESPN
Chris Herren's speech from Tark's Tribute
The Show - Chris Herren (talks recovery, sobriety, basketball, Unguarded, public speaking, more)
Chris Herren: I Was Playing for the Celtics Living in the Worst Neighborhood in Small Apt. (Part 6)
Chris Herren - Hicksville High School
Chris Harren- First day— first 5 minutes
Chris Herren: A Very Personal Interview - Basketball Junkie : A Memoir
Chris Herren Speaking on His Addiction Recovery Story | PeaceLove
Chris Herren at MHS
Unguarded ESPN